The National Council for Higher Education is mandated to regulate and guide the establishment and management of higher education institutions as well as regulating the quality of higher education, equating qualifications and advising Government on higher education matters.
National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) was established by an Act of Parliament to implement the Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions (UOTIA, 2001 as amended) and regulate the quality and provision of higher education in Uganda.
The NCHE is managed by a team of experienced educationalists and quality assurance experts led by the Executive Director (ED). The ED is assisted by a Deputy Executive Director (DED) and three Directors for (i) Quality Assurance and Accreditation, (ii) ICT, Research, and Innovation, and (iii) Finance, Planning, and Administration directorates.
The Directorate of Quality Assurance and Accreditation comprises four departments including (i) Institutional Licensing and Accreditation (ILA); (ii) Programme Accreditation; (iii) Audit, Monitoring and Compliance; and (iv) Standards, Recognition and Equation of qualifications. The four departments work in collaboration to ensure that minimum standards in the establishment of HEIs as well as the programs and awards offered by those institutions conform to the NCHE requirements. Through the Directorate of Quality Assurance and Accreditation, NCHE established and supervises a total of 10 Public Universities, 1 Private University established with a separate Act of parliament, 11 private chartered Universities, 32 private Universities with provisional license, 1 public other degree awarding institutions (ODAIs), 16 private other degree awarding institutions, 50 public tertiary institutions, 26 private tertiary institutions with certificate of classification and registration and, 98 private tertiary institutions with provisional license.
Website: www.nche.or.ug